SAWLab Saxony - The competence and application center for acoustoelectronic fundamentals, technologies and devices
The SAWLab Saxony combines the research activities and expertise of the Leibniz-Institute IFW Dresden in the field of acoustoelectronics with competences and skills of local research institutes, universities and high-tech companies. The mutual interplay between basic and applied research at the IFW Dresden and the close collaboration with all members and partners thereby enables a comprehensive investigation of microacoustic devices and adjacent technologies comprising
- the theory of solid state and acoustic wave phenomena,
- innovative electrode materials and material systems,
- novel single crystal, flexible and thin film substrate materials,
- advanced technologies for functional film deposition and patterning, and
- future microacoustic devices and applications
accompanied by sophisticated thin film analytics. The fundamental research and utilization chain of the SAWLab Saxony includes the joint development of application-specific demonstrators, the corporative use of equipment and facilities as well as the transfer of technology to and from industrial partners involved in all stages of development. This approach allows us to address economic sectors with high growth dynamics, such as telecommunication, MEMS, sensors and actuators as well as Smart Systems and Life Sciences.
Due to the wide fundamental, technological and analytical R&D expertise, the SAWLab Saxony is a professional project partner for national and international cooperation projects and with the aim to transfer scientific and technological knowledge into future, industry-relevant acoustoelectronic applications.
Our Mission
- Joining of research activities and expertise of the IFW Dresden in the field of acoustoelectronics with competences and skills of cooperating groups of Saxon universities and high-tech companies in a dedicated application center
- R&D activities towards advanced materials and technologies for high performance
- Generating an internationally visible interdisciplinary research
- Sustainably strengthens the role of the IFW as a competent cooperation partner for national and international industrial partners and so the Free State of Saxony as a science and business location
- Transfer of advanced technologies to industrial partners
- Qualification and advanced training of internal and external staff.